Cult of less: Living out of a hard drive

La BBC hizo un reportaje recientemente sobre los digital hobos: gente que digitaliza lo que puede, vende todo –salvo lo esencial para trabajar y vestirse– y pasa a llevar una existencia minimalista, viviendo de su morral.

Since boxing up his physical possessions and getting rid of his home, Mr Yurista has taken to the streets with a backpack full of designer clothing, a laptop, an external hard drive, a small piano keyboard and a bicycle – an armful of goods that totals over $3,000 (£1,890) in value.

The American University graduate, who spends much of his time basking in the glow emanating from his Macbook, earns a significant income at his full-time job as a travel agent and believes his new life on the digital grid is less cluttered than his old life on the physical one.

«I don’t feel a void living the way I’m living because I’ve figured out a way to use digital technology to my advantage,» Mr Yurista explained.

Me suena, me suena… es bueno saber que no se está solo en el mundo (o que este estilo de vida es en efecto una afinidad electiva).

¿Y tú? ¿Serías capaz de vivir así? ¿Te interesaría saber más sobre el tema?

vía BBC News – Cult of less: Living out of a hard drive.


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Daniel Pratt

Ex-editor - ex-poeta, ex-artista callejero, ex-desarrollador, ex-ciudadano, ex-geek.

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